Wednesday, November 21, 2007


It's break time! From noon yesterday until Monday morning at 8 AM, we have our first official break. Thanksgiving!

Before making the journey back home, I spent my afternoon at Jane's prenatal appointment. The waiting room was filled with expecting moms and the temperature was as cold as ever. It's the 25th week. Jane is doing well; her mother and father will be visiting soon. She is anxious to see her family.

The babies are moving a lot and being monitored very closely on ultrasound. On the black screen, we could make out the little hands of Baby A (the boy), who was either punching or attempting to wave. We could see Baby B's (the girl) heart pounding. On average, the babies should be kicking at least 5 times an hour.

Jane will also have her blood checked for gestational diabetes, a condition that some pregnant woman develop during pregnancy. According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 4% of pregnant woman will develop this condition, which can result in hyperglycemia (high blood sugar).

Normally, sugar is broken down by a insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas. But in pregnancy, the growing placenta secretes hormones that prevent insulin from working. As a result, higher blood sugar pools in the blood, which move into the placenta and can cause birth defects and complications in pregnancy.

I will see Jane next week at her next ultrasound appointment. We will continue to watch the babies as they grow and exchange family stories.

For more information on Gestational Diabetes:

Image: "Gestational Diabetes."

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