Monday, March 29, 2010

The Lottery

It's that time again. LOTTERY TIME!

Nation-wide, the lottery is exciting because there is a chance of winning a jackpot. Our medical school lottery does not promise such fortune. Instead, it's anxiety-provoking as we rank our preferences for our fourth year schedules. Once everyone ranks their preferences, a computer goes through and randomly assigns us our electives.

As I rank numerous selections, I am reminded of highschool precalculus, thinking about all the possible permutations. If only I knew game theory to maximize my chances of constructing a perfect fourth schedule.

In truth, it feels like being back in college. Having spent my whole life in public school, I am familiar with the process that comes with allocating scare resources to meet a high demand. In our cases, there are just way to many students coveting the same spots in certain sub-internships, fourth year electives.

Inevitably, we all have to compromise and realize we will never get the perfect schedules. Regardless of the lottery results, I hope my schedule has some resemblance to some of my 60 rankings.

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