Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Single's Appreciation/Valentine's Day!

I have had my fill of choclate hearts and it's only 2 PM. It is definitely Valentine's Day when you are surrounded by anatomically inaccurate drawn hearts, red roses, and sanguine expressions of love packaged on cards.

I miss the days of making mailboxes with pink, red, and purple construction paper for the delivery of cards and candy from elementary school classmates. The Harry Potter Valentines were the best. And then there were those chocolates wrapped in red and pink thin foil and the hearts that conveyed messages.

I guess we have grown up. Now Valentine's is another hollow day, unless you are involved in a relationship and use this day as opportunity to ignite or rekindle romance with the roses, heart shaped boxes of choclates, candle-lit and overpriced dinner and expressions of love. Or you may participate in the Anti-Valentine's festivities to celebrate being single and free.

Medical students are somewhere in between the two extremes.

Tonight will probably be spent in the gym to release endorphins and numb the pain associated with spending this weekend understanding the renal system. And I need to reapply for financial aid. Oh, the complexity of the seemingly simple filter system and the increasing cost of attending a public medical school.

I am contemplating watching the Vagina Monologues if I make sufficient progress through this excessive material. And at this rate, it seems unlikely.

Oh well...Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
And Happy Studying to everyone else!

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